IRC #olimex 2024-04-07

[13:07:11] <azert> I bought an a64 olinuxino board, is it possible to do jtag debugging on it?
[13:07:32] <azert> Otherwise, how do I debug my code?
[13:07:57] <azert> How do you do it?
[13:16:40] <azert> Hello
[13:18:08] <azert> Full disclosure: I’m not interested in running Linux on this board
[13:18:47] <azert> I find das u-boot also totally uninteresting and bloated beyond belief, but I can live with that
[13:19:13] <azert> Thing is that I want to try aarch64 system programming
[13:20:13] <azert> When I boot my toy kernel with das u-boot I get a synchronous exception and the cpu resets, how do I debug this? Do you provide jtag debugging?
[13:22:02] <azert> Simpler question: any humans over here?
[16:25:52] <diego71> yes, but probably no one knows how to do it
[16:26:16] <diego71> take a look at schematics for the jtag